File Management

  • Ctrl + S saves the map.
  • Ctrl + Shift + S saves map to new file.
  • Ctrl + A selects all blocks/units.
  • Ctrl + O opens a map from file.


  • Ctrl + D deselect all blocks/units.
  • Ctrl + C copies the current selection of blocks and units.
  • Ctrl + X cuts the current selection of blocks and units.
  • Delete deletes all selected blocks and units.
  • Backspace deletes the context object on the selected block.
  • Hitting Y toggles target raycasting. If target raycasting is on, props and other objects intercept mouse ray-casting when selecting, hovering, or painting.


  • Escape opens the game menu/settings.
  • ] toggles the interface on and off.
  • G while the Layers window is open toggles the layer transform gizmo.


These hotkeys change the currently selected tool.
  • C – Rotate
  • V – Select
  • B – Brush
  • N – Blaster
  • M – Drag Shape
  • K – Paint Bucket


  • Left-Click selects a block or unit.
  • Left-Click + Drag selects an area of blocks/units.
  • Shift + Click adds a block to the selected blocks. This can be combined with drag selection to add multiple blocks.
  • Ctrl + Click adds or removes a block from the selected blocks. This can be combined with drag selection to add or remove multiple blocks.
  • Ctrl + Alt + Scroll with a block selected cycles through each block component.
  • I to toggle if selected blocks are isolated.
  • L to toggle if selected blocks are locked.


  • Alt + Shift + Scroll rotates the brush components 30° for hex and 45° for square.
  • Alt + Shift + Ctrl + Scroll rotates the brush components 60° for hex and 90° for square.
  • Ctrl + Scroll changes the current brush shape.
  • Shift + Scroll changes the size of the brush.
  • Ctrl + Alt + Scroll changes the style of the brush component.
  • Tab changes the style group of the brush component.


  • Alt + Scroll rotates the blaster components 30° for hex and 45° for square.
  • Alt + Shift + Scroll rotates the blaster components 60° for hex and 90° for square.
  • Ctrl + Scroll changes the blast intensity.
  • Ctrl + Alt + Scroll changes the style of the brush component.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Scroll changes the initial blast position.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Scroll changes the number of shapes blasted.
  • Shift + Scroll changes the size of the blast radius.

Paint Actions

These hotkeys will change the type of brush to a certain brush action.
  • Q – Create block
  • E – Eraser
  • R – Random rock from the selected palette
  • T – Random plant from the selected palette
  • C – Block selection
  • , (Comma) – Lower elevation
  • . (Period) – Raise elevation
  • I - Isolate block
  • U - Deisolate block
  • L - Lock block
  • O - Unlock block
  • Hold X - When in voxel mode, rotates the paint plane vertically


These hotkeys will change the elevation of the selected block or the type of brush.
  • ` (Backtick) sets the elevation to 0
  • 1 – 0 sets the elevation to 1-10
    • Holding Ctrl increases by 10, Ctrl+Shift increases by 20, Ctrl+Alt increases by 30, and Ctrl + Shift + Alt increases by 40.
  • Ctrl + Scroll changes the elevation of selected blocks by 1.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Scroll changes the elevation of selected blocks by 5.

Unit Controls

While a unit is selected, these hotkeys are active.
  • 1 – Move.
  • 2 – Attack.
  • 5 – Kill or resurrect.

Camera Movement

  • ASWD/Arrow Keys move the camera left, backward, forward, and right.
  • Keypad –/+  zoom in and out.
  • Page Up/Down zooms vertically up and down.
  • Right-Click + Drag rotates the camera.
  • Middle Mouse + Move Mouse moves the camera in the opposite direction of the mouse movement.
  • Ctrl + R resets the camera’s rotation
  • H centers the camera on the full environment.
  • F centers camera on selected blocks.
  • \ toggles ASWD and Edge panning on and off.